
I’m Raffaele Angius, but if you call me Faffa I would turn myself. I’m a journalist and Media Innovation Advisor. This last one is something I made up to easily explain how I like to work: I’m focused on the use of technologies in order to make the journalism safer and more effective in a digitalized world. For both journalists and sources.

I’m specialized in the design of whistleblowing projects to help newspapers and NGOs to perform their investigations and to help them in protecting the anonymity of sources.

I have created and managed RegeniLeaks, a platform made to collect information about the murder of the Italian researcher Giulio Regeni and other cases of violations of Human Rights in Egypt, in collaboration with the Italian newspaper l’Espresso.

I write also about digital security, digital banditism, new technologies and how they impact our life. IoT is always a source of fancy stories.

I work in collaboration with the Hermes Center foTransparency and Digital Human Rights, an organization of people with a very long eyesight, that advocate for human rights in the digital era. Basically, they are anticipating the “French Revolution” of the digital era that has to come. Because It has to come, be sure of that.

In collaboration with the GlobaLeaks team, we provide digital security training for journalists.